If your business cash flow is held hostage by unpaid invoices, BusinessManager1 may be the solution!
Cash flow can be a challenge, even for the most successful business, whether you are selling a product or service. No matter what industry, it is hard to grow when waiting for your customers to pay you in 30, 60, or even 90 days. BusinessManager takes the worry out of waiting to get paid, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead.
Think of your accounts receivable as a frozen asset, and BusinessManager unlocks cash by purchasing your outstanding invoices (accounts receivable) on an ongoing basis and making daily deposits into your account at QNB Bank. Your clients continue paying you while you get the consistent cash flow to optimize your business.

The Possibilities
What if you were paid in 24 hours on every invoice?
Could you take on bigger clients?
Could you take advantage of vendor discounts by paying your vendors sooner?
Could you offer flexible terms and be more competitive?
Could all of these things working together benefit you and your business?

If waiting to get paid is holding back your growth, consider BusinessManager, accounts receivable financing to help you manage cash flow.
1BusinessManager® is a credit product and subject to approval.