Business Checking
Whether you are a microbusiness working from your home or a large corporation, we have checking solutions for you and every size business in-between.

Small Business Checking
An account designed for small businesses that need a basic checking account for their business's banking.
No monthly balance requirement or monthly service charge.
300 items (checks paid, checks deposited or deposit tickets) FREE per month, $0.50 per item over 300
Monthly paper statements or eStatements1 featuring QNB Check Imaging
QNB Online Banking Commercial access2
QNB Business Debit Card
Analysis Checking
A checking account is designed for businesses with more complex financial needs. Analysis Checking allows you to reduce or eliminate your service charges with a competitive earnings credit, saving you money.
Service charges based on account activity (may include, but are not limited to, $10 monthly maintenance fee, $0.17 per check paid, $0.15 per check deposited, $0.15 per deposit ticket) and may be reduced or eliminated by an earnings credit. Ask a QNB representative for more details.
Monthly paper statements or eStatements1 featuring QNB Check Imaging
Earnings Credit - monthly allowance to offset your service charges based on the average investable balance multiplied by the current month's earnings credit rate.
QNB Online Banking Commercial access2
QNB Business Debit Card
Business Interest Checking Account
A checking account for businesses who want to earn interest on their operating funds while having unlimited check writing privileges. Interest is computed daily and compounded monthly.
Service charges based on account activity (may include, but are not limited to, $10 monthly maintenance fee, $0.17 per check paid, $0.15 per check deposited, $0.15 per deposit ticket)
Monthly paper statements or eStatements1 featuring QNB Check Imaging
QNB Online Banking Commercial access2
QNB Business Debit Card
Community Service Checking
Designed for qualifying nonprofit organizations in our community that need a basic checking account to handle operating funds in a practical and economical manner for fund-raising, expenses, and contribution activities.
Earns interest
No activity charges
QNB Online Banking Commercial access2
No minimum balance required
Monthly paper statements or eStatements1 featuring QNB Check Imaging
Health Savings Account
Does your company offer its employees a high-deductible health plan (HDHP)? Let QNB become the provider of Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for your employees with HDHPs. Our Cash Management Officer is available to answer your questions and get this benefit in place for your employees today. A HDHP is required to be eligible to offer HSAs to employees. Inquire for details.
Health Care Select
Designed especially for Health Care Professionals.
No minimum balance required
Monthly paper statements or eStatements' featuring QNB Check Imaging
No activity charges
QNB Online Banking Commercial access2
Requires enrollment in QNB Online Banking to receive business eStatements. Data rates may apply.
Requires enrollment.