On Your Way Accounts
For young adults aged 14-23
Whether you’re a teenager in high school or a young adult on your way to college, we offer basic checking and savings account options to fit your needs.

On Your Way Checking
A first checking account for young adults aged 14-23.
No monthly balance requirement or monthly service charge
Unlimited check writing privileges
QNB Mobile Banking1
KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education) - Visit QNBbank.kofetime.com to learn more
QNB Debit Card
QNB Online Banking with Bill Pay service2
eStatements3 or paper statements
A minimum of $25 needed to open
On Your Way Savings
A basic savings account for young adults aged 14-23.
No monthly balance requirement or monthly service charge
QNB Online Banking2 access available
A minimum of $5 needed to open
Access available through On Your Way Checking account/QNB Debit Card
Messaging and data rates may apply.
Requires enrollment.
eStatements are available through QNB Online or Mobile Banking, which require enrollment. Data rates may apply.