QuiNBy’s Quarterly Activities
QuiNBy's Statement Savings account holders can earn up to $4 each year for participating in QuiNBy’s Quarterly Activities!
Every 3 months, a new activity is introduced, giving kids a chance to earn a QuiNBy Buck ($1 deposit to your QuiNBy's Statement Savings account). If you do not already have a QuiNBy's Statement Savings account, you can open one with as little as $5 to be eligible for earning QuiNBy Bucks. The current activity runs from January 1 to March 31, 2025. Click the orange button below to view and print the current activity sheet. After you complete the activity sheet, take it to your local QNB Branch to earn your quarterly QuiNBy Buck! (Limit 1 per quarter, per minor account holder.)
If you do not have access to a printer at home, feel free to stop into any QNB Branch and ask for a printout of QuiNBy's Quarterly Activity sheet.